Life at Playtech Estonia

Playtech was founded in 1999 in Tartu, Estonia. Until 2006, Playtech Estonia was the only development centre of Playtech Group.


Today, Playtech Estonia is still the core platform development and operational centre of the entire corporation. Offices both in Tartu and Tallinn provide development, production and customer support functions to gaming operators Playtech partners with.


More than 700 specialists make us not only one of the largest sites of the the Playtech Group but also the biggest software development company in Estonia, where you can create the IT career of your dreams. We are also one of the biggest employers in southern Estonia and have been awarded the title of Best Internship Provider for International Students.





Playtech asutati 1999. aastal Tartus, Eestis. Kuni 2006. aastani asus Eestis ainus Playtech Grupi arenduskeskus ning tänaseni on siin kogu korporatsiooni suurimad tuumikplatvormi arendus- ja tegevuskeskused. Esindused nii Tartus kui Tallinnas pakuvad arendus-, tootmis- ja klienditoe funktsioone Playtechi koostööpartneritele, peamiselt mänguoperaatoritele.


Enam kui 700 töötajat teeb meist mitte ainult Playtech Grupi ühe suurima töötajaskonnaga esinduse, vaid ka ühe suurima tarkvaraarendusettevõtte Eestis. Playtech Eesti on üks suurimaid Lõuna-Eesti tööandjaid, pakkudes häid karjäärivõimalusi, hüvede paketti ja ägedat praktkaprogrammi ka rahvusvahelistele tudengitele.

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What makes us so special?

Playtech Estonia is Estonia’s second unicorn. But we are more than an average unicorn. We are one-of-a-kind.

Tartu Office

In Tartu, our five-storey office building is based at the centre of Tartu, on Vanemuine Street. In addition to an atrium, recreational area, terrace and a sports room, we also have a sauna actively in use.


Tallinn Office

Our Tallinn office was opened in 2004. It is situated at the modern Ülemiste City business campus, which is the largest smart city in the Baltic countries. Located on the four top floors of the large Technopolis` business building, our office has several relaxation areas, a games room, and a small library.


Diverse Employer

As an employer, we carry diversity close to our heart and respect each other at all times, no matter who we are, where we are from or what beliefs we hold. In Playtech, we believe that different thoughts, abilities, experiences and individual characteristics enrich our work environment and lead to better business decisions. Recognizing differences and making sure our processes are transparent is the core part of Playtech’s overall commitment to responsible business practices.

Since 2020, Playtech is a part of the Estonian Diversity Charter and has been acknowledged with the Diverse Employer quality label. By this, we adhere to human diversity and value the principle of equal treatment among our employees, candidates, partners, as well as customers.

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The Fish Program

The Fish Program is our one-of-a-kind progressive motivational plan based on the principle that a foundation for good work performance is to regularly allow time for relaxing, both physically and mentally. Therefore, it is our tradition to assign “fish”-statuses for employees depending on their time worked at Playtech Estonia.

The higher level fish you are, the more benefits you are entitled to. The highlights of the Fish System include having larger “Fish funds” for reimbursement of personal investments made in health, sport and entertainment, receiving travel vouchers and additional vacation days.


Our Events

During the past 20 years, it has become our tradition to organize lots of company events for employees and their families. The yearly highlights include Summer Days and Christmas Party. In addition to that, we have the annual Information Day, teambuilding events, office parties and celebrations of important national holidays at the office on a regular basis.

Born from employee initiative, the past decade has seen the growth of Playtech’s very own sports series Playthlon with five sports events a year to encourage physical activity and try out different sports activities together with colleagues. We also put a lot of energy into mental wellness activities to keep both the mind and the body healthy.



Our contribution to the community


We are dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities. Our aims include improving the gender balance, encouraging the rise of new female talents, supporting adult career changes and fostering talent among people with physical disabilities.

Teachers and Education

As Estonia is facing a serious shortage of teachers, it is our mission to support university students training to become teachers as well as working teachers and mentors. We also contribute to projects promoting digital skills.


We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by being as efficient as we can and promoting environmental and sustainability projects.


Active lifestyle is highly cherished among our employees, so we are constantly organising, “sports for good“ and internal fundraising events, but also getting involved in external health-related projects.


As part of our pursuit to lead impactful, fulfilling lives, we take benefits pretty seriously.

  • Unlimited career paths
  • Professional and motivated team
  • Flexible work conditions
  • 150+ different expert roles to learn from
  • Awesome team events
  • Progressive motivational system
  • Additional vacation days
  • Attractive discounts with partners
  • Mental wellness program & psychologist service
  • Unlimited career paths
  • Professional and motivated team
  • Flexible work conditions
  • 150+ different expert roles to learn from
  • Awesome team events
  • Progressive motivational system
  • Additional vacation days
  • Attractive discounts with partners
  • Mental wellness program & psychologist service
  • Playthlon sports series & sports groups
  • Family friendly employer
  • Travel vouchers
  • Paid days off for personal events
  • Multicultural top-notch offices
  • Company events with partners and children
  • Recreation, massage and sauna at the office
  • Christmas and graduation gifts
  • Glasses and sick leave compensation
  • Playthlon sports series & sports groups
  • Family friendly employer
  • Travel vouchers
  • Paid days off for personal events
  • Multicultural top-notch offices
  • Company events with partners and children
  • Recreation, massage and sauna at the office
  • Christmas and graduation gifts
  • Glasses and sick leave compensation
Sneak peak into Life at Playtech Estonia
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Contact Us

Angela Vuks
Angela Vuks

Global Talent Acquisition Lead

Darja Alõmova
Darja Alõmova

Global Talent Acquisition Partner

Kelly Reisbich

Global Talent Acquisition Partner

Egle Merbach

Brand and Communications Manager

Tartu Office

Vanemuise 7, 51001 Tartu

Tallinn Office

VideoB OÜ Lõõtsa 5, 11415 Tallinn

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